
Sharepoint Services Timer 에러(SPTimerV3)

준치 2009. 5. 20. 09:41

SharePoint 2007 SP1 failed: Cannot start service SPTimerV3

My lab VM with Win2003 x64, BizTalk 2006 R2, SharePoint 2007 and SQL Server 2005 SP-2 runs very nice, but I forgot to upgrade SharePoint to the new SP-1 version. I would like to mention that this VM was installed with all the default and typical settings selected for all installed products.

The SP-1 for SharePoint 2007 requires WSS 3.0 to be upgraded to SP-1 first. But, this installation failed. The error was:

One or more configurations failed. Completed configuration settings will not be rolled back. Resolve the problem and run this configuration wizard again. System.InvalidOperationException. Cannot start service SPTimerV3.

The upgrade itself was successful, but the wizard failed to start the 'Windows SharePoint Services Timer' NT service. I opened up services.msc and tried to start it manually, but it also fails. The error in the Event Viewer is: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

Maybe this can be caused by the dcpromo-process this lab VM undergone. The server is now a Primary Domain Controller (and wasn't while SharePoint was initially installed).

Changing the 'Log on as' on the 'Log on' tab of the service to a valid account (and password) solved this problem. I started the service manually and pressed the Finish button of the configuration wizard.

Now the SharePoint SP-1 itself...

출처 :

2003 서버에 모스를 설치하고 아무 이상이 없다가....언제부터인가 부팅을 하면 서비스나 드라이버에 이상이 있다는 경고 창이 떠서 찾아보니 이 문제 였었다...참....
삽질하고 다시 설치 할뻔했네..ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
해석이 안되서 번역기로...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 서비스에가서 로그온에서 계정이 맞는지 확인해보니 패스워드가 이상하게 설정되어있었다...그래서 실행이 되지 않았던것이였다....변경....콜..바로 시작...ㅋㅋㅋ